Kalos Kids exists to partner with families to
build up the next generation of Jesus followers
Our mission is to help every child and their families know and make known the beauty of Jesus as full participants and contributors in the body of Christ.
We believe that kids aren’t just the future of the church - they are the church now!
Birth-5th Grade
We have kids ministry available for ages birth - 5th grade at 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12:00 pm. Led by our Kalos Kids team, this is a time for kids to connect with other kids & volunteers, sing songs of praise, learn a Bible lesson, and do fun group activities!
Bring your kids with special needs—we have a special buddy program just for them!
It takes a village to raise a child. We want to help equip and prepare you to raise you child in the house of God. We’ll give you tools to disciple your own child with other parents trying to do the same thing.
Parents, we want to partner with you!
This webpage is intended to keep you informed about all Kalos Kids updates, lessons, activities, and events, so that you can participate with your kids!
click here To Subscribe to our monthly Family Newsletter for important updates, kids lessons, and activities!
Each young person needs at least 5 different adults who consistently speak to them about Jesus to be able to understand and receive the Gospel for themselves.
Could you be one of those 5 adults to walk with a kid on their faith journey?
We are recruiting new volunteers to join our team to help kids in this region know and make known the beauty of Jesus! We believe serving together in a godly community develops trusted relationships and bears lasting fruit.
If any of this interests you, please fill out this form, and one of our team members will follow up with you!
Kalos Kids Lessons
At Kalos Kids we use Brite Curriculum by Awana. Brite is a Gospel-centered curriculum that covers the entire Bible in a 3-year scope and sequence!
In every lesson, the Bible is read, heard, and connected to Jesus in ways kids can understand in their own lives. Leaders are equipped to help kids form a faith built to navigate tough cultural topics.
Brite makes disciples who can say:
I believe in Jesus.
I’m becoming more like Him.
I belong to Him forever.
We have a monthly family devotional calendar where you can discuss the topics we’re learning in class together as a family!